Finally! Game Dev Tycoon is coming to iPhone, iPad, and Android, along with a content update for all platforms 💚
You have asked us for years to release Game Dev Tycoon for mobile and today we are happy to announce that: Yes, it’s finally coming!
An updated version of Game Dev Tycoon will release for iPad and iPhone on November 28th, followed by a PC update and an Android release.
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The mobile release of Game Dev Tycoon contains no in-app purchases and no ads. We did, however, take the opportunity to add a few new things to the game for this release.
You can look forward to:
– an updated story line (something about bitter tasting cartridges).
– new topics to enable even more game types.
– a new super-difficult game mode, inspired by true events.
– built-in video recording and streaming support because Game Dev Tycoon proved to be popular with streamers around the world.
– a re-designed user interface, tuned to mobile devices.
PC players won’t miss out on these, as new content such as topics (including these gorgeous icons), the new game mode, and updated story line will be delivered as a free update to our current Game Dev Tycoon players soon after the mobile release.
Anticipated Questions
Once we have a set date, we will announce it via our newsletter:
You can discuss our announcement here.